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Qbase Grows Their Customer Base

England 30/06/2012- The recession has led to new interest in the services that Qbase offers


Qbase have been around since 1990. They started small helping companies to manage their databases and keep track of their data. At first, they simply kept companies databases clean, for example removing duplicate data, clearing databases of customers who no longer bought products and that sort of thing. They specialised in merging databases together to help companies to streamline their data and processes. Their data merging services were also used when companies bought smaller firms and wanted to incorporate their data into their own and introduce new data management processes.


However, over the years the team at Qbase realised the companies they were working with were also in dire need of help to interpret the data they had. In many cases, firms were sitting on a gold mine of data that they had no idea how to use. For this reason, they decided to diversify into other areas of data management.


Qbase did this in several ways, but the biggest demand came from firms looking for ways to mine the data they held about customers for further marketing opportunities. Firms spend on average 10% of their budget on marketing; however, some firms spend up to 25%. Because this is such a significant amount how that money is spent is of great importance to firms. They are constantly looking for ways to make their marketing more targeted and more effective. This is where Qbase comes in they can identify customer spending trends, which can help determine which marketing techniques work with which customers.


Qbase helps firms through the recession

To get through the current lean times many firms have cut back as much as possible. One of the areas they have targeted is their marketing budgets. Qbase has seen far more interest in its customer acquisition, business insight and customer retention products as a result. Firms are using these products to ensure the smaller amount of money they have to spend on marketing yields results. The data and reports Qbase provide help them to market new products and services to those clients who are most likely to buy them. They also help firms to determine at what time of the year clients traditionally buy certain products, so that once again marketing is targeted and truly effective.


Qbase Data Services

31-33 Bold Street

Warrington, UK

Zip: WA1 1HL

Tel: 01925 644 800

Fax: 01925 644 801


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