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Where me keys, where me phone? Advise for replacing your car keys

An unknown pop artist called Zipparah Tafari had the UK bent over in tears of laughter. The self titled ‘Mr Zip’ danced around on stage, yelling – Where me keys, where me phone… Did you ever have the problem where you lose your keys and your phone?

YES, we have, and thats what made Mr Zip so damn funny! Losing car keys is a common problem that most people can relate to. But if losing car keys is so common then why does replacing them seem to be such a headache? Missing keys, whether house keys, motor bike keys or car keys usually manifest in some part of the house. But occasionally car keys become lost for good and no doubt end up on a huge pile, next to all the missing pens we can never find.

Getting replacement car keys doesn’t have to cost you hundreds of pounds if you know about a service that comes out to you. Your missing car keys can be replaced by a special type of locksmith known as an auto locksmith.

An auto locksmith will:

Most cars are factory fitted with an immobiliser, meaning they can not be started without first receiving a correct signal from a chip inside the key. This means replacement car keys can’t be sent out in the post, they must be programmed directly to the car through its diagnostic port. Auto Locksmiths use specialist diagnostic tools to pair the new keys to your car and where necessary erase old keys.

Now you know this type of service exists getting replacement car keys couldn’t be easier. In fact its so easy and straight forward that is makes great sense to book an auto locksmith to supply a couple of spare keys so you never have to scream – WHERE ME KEYS!


Mark Migliaccio

The Auto Locksmith

Tel: 07739383344



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