3 wheel mobility scooters are extremely practical and appeal to buyers on many levels
The UK has an aging population. Today, there are more people aged over 60 than there are people aged under 18. That means that there are 14 million people in the UK aged over 60. Unsurprisingly sales of mobility scooters have soared, in particular sales of 3 wheel mobility scooters.
There are several reasons why three wheel mobility scooters are more popular than four-wheel scooters. Their size is one of the biggest reasons for people opting for three wheels rather than four. Many people have limited space in their homes, so prefer smaller mobility scooters. Learning to ride a mobility scooter can be quite daunting, especially for the very elderly. The smaller three wheel scooters look easier to handle, so appeal more to the majority of users. In addition, they are lighter than four-wheel scooters, which many users see as a bonus too.
In most cases, they are also cheaper. This makes three wheel scooters more affordable, which for most consumers is a very important consideration. They charge up quickly and have a good range of between ten and thirty-one miles, so are just as practical as the four wheel models are.
Over the past few years, they have evolved from being relatively flimsy to being as robust and well built as any four-wheel mobility scooter. More manufacturers are making them meaning that the choice has improved, this has really helped sales because not everyone looks for the same things when buying a mobility scooter. The fact that there is a good range of accessories and seat options has also helped them to appeal to more buyers.
Some 3 wheel mobility scooters are road legal
In some cases, people need a mobility scooter that is road legal. For those who live in busy towns where pavements are crowded being able to use the road for part of the journey is very important. Simple Life Mobility stock road legal 3 wheel mobility scooters. Sales have been strong, despite it being one of the most expensive of their three wheel mobility scooters.